The Challenge

Vera Admin Portal: File & User Detail

Vera is a SaaS platform that solved one of the most significant gaps in data security. Always-on file security. Part of our target market was Security Admins, and we wanted them to get the most value out of the Vera Platform. In doing so, we created the Vera Portal.

The Vera portal helps companies see their data more granularly. It allows admins to manage access controls, set and update policies, oversee users, and activity. Admins can also investigate unauthorized access attempts, and most importantly learn how their files are used.

A key part of this project was creating a page that would let admins gain detailed security information about an individual file.





By conducting surveys in the field, I approached the file detail page by understanding the needs of admins. I learned that they needed a comprehensive view that provided detailed information about the file dynamically.





I started by using a 12 column simple grid system, allowing us to provide at-a-glance monitoring. The system created a dynamic environment where I could build out movable components/cards. I started with simple wireframes that were stripped of all the details. This allowed us to focus on the layout from a bigger picture perspective. Each component/card provided vital information that automatically changed daily based on security importance.



Dynamic Components & Cards


The cards themselves were intricate. So, I began each card with Low-fidelity prototypes, so we collect and analyze feedback early on. The cards/component consisted of charts, data tables, and functional widgets. Moreover, each was clearly defined and purposeful.

Portfolio_Vera-Portalportal-file-detail copy.jpg

The outcome of the cards was impactful throughout the portal, as they were easily scalable and maintainable.